Saturday, February 25, 2012

Harvest of the Month Day for Local Schools

     School Harvest of the Month day for Whatcom County schools is Feb. 16.  Locally grown raspberries will be served at Columbia Elementary School as well as all schools throughout the county.  The local raspberries will make their debut in the featured recipe Raspberry Muffin Squares.  Check out the recipe at
     Harvest of the Month is a Farm-to-School program created by the California Department of Public Health in 2007 that encourages students to enjoy a colorful array of healthy fruits and vegetables and exercise daily (  Harvest of the Month promotes healthy food choices to local students, encourages healthy life-long eating habits, supports local farmers and reduces environmental impact by reducing packaging and transportation energy.
     Whatcom County school districts adopted the Harvest of the Month Program in 2011.  All students in Whatcom County who receive free or reduced price lunches or buy a school lunch are eligible to try the fruit or vegetable that is served on Harvest of the Month day.  The fruits and vegetables are purchased from local farmers by the school districts.
     Students in Whatcom County have already had the opportunity this school year to taste locally grown tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and potatoes. Harvest of the Month provides students with the opportunity to taste farm fresh produce or preserved locally harvested fruits or vegetables through the school lunch program.
     According to the Washington Red Raspberry Commission, Whatcom County is the leading county in the State of Wash. for raspberry production and the State of Washington produces 60 percent of the raspberries grown in the United States. 

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